Saturday, January 31, 2015

Drawing With A Title Generator

Did a Google search for a random title generator and found one (at

Clicked the button that said "Give Me Some Titles!" and illustrated the first 6 that came up with pen and ink.

Friday, January 30, 2015


"You are so weird." --a common compliment for those who find "normal" to be a little humdrum.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Odds & Ends

A self-portrait on my birthday

Line art and finished invite cover for a friend's triple birthday party

Quick Kirk Douglass jut fer kicks

Saying farewell to my good pal, Gunnels. I'll miss you forever, pal.

A collection of silver screen monsters

A Thank You cartoon for those who sent Happy Birthday wishes

Sunday, January 18, 2015

HOW TO PICK UP A MUSAPHILE - 2nd Cartoon Of 2015

Stumbled over some weird dialog while watching a old recording and couldn't leave it alone. Had to make something out of it and this is what slipped out.

There's someone out there for everybody!